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Authentic Japanese Gastronomy. Open from Monday to Sunday

Quick Takeout Service

Our efficient takeout service guarantees you get your favorite dishes quickly. Enjoy the same great taste at your convenience.

Pickup & Delivery disponible hasta las 9pm

Explore Our Culinary Artistry
Taiko Recomienda
Udon  SobaNigiriTempuraCafePostresRefrescoTeppan EspecialSopasUramakis RollHosomakis Roll

Indulge in a diverse range of options, from traditional favorites to modern fusions that satisfy every palate.

Taiko Restaurant

Dine In Elegance: Experience a serene ambiance perfect for enjoying our Asian delicacies. Our hospitality ensures a dining experience that's unparalleled.

Phone (0212) 9935647 / (0212) 9936018 / (0212) 9930158 / (0414-TAIKO11) 04148245611

Address Av La Trinidad, Edf. Canaima, Urb. Las Mercedes, Caracas, Venezuela.

Taiko Restaurant

Phone (0212) 9935647 / (0212) 9936018 / (0212) 9930158 / (0414-TAIKO11) 04148245611

Address Av La Trinidad, Edf. Canaima, Urb. Las Mercedes, Caracas, Venezuela.

Taiko Restaurant

Dine In Elegance: Experience a serene ambiance perfect for enjoying our Asian delicacies. Our hospitality ensures a dining experience that's unparalleled.